
Man Caves

After three years and 476 matches with men on dating applications, and a certain number of “short relationships that were as nice as they were brief”, director and anthropologist Céline Pernet decides to take the time to investigate her relationship with the men of her generation. Through an advert, she brings together around thirty men aged 30 to 45 years old, living in Switzerland, who agree to talk to the camera about their relationship(s) with masculinity. The director questions them about seduction, sex, couples, love and even paternity, in a quest as personal as it is societal. The protagonists show an urgent need to discuss contemporary masculinity and share their secrets, cry, doubt and laugh.

  • Name in Original Language: Garçonnières / Man Caves
  • Director: Céline Pernet
  • Country: Switzerland
  • Year: 2022
  • Length: 91 min
  • Cinematography: Heidi Hassan
  • Editing: Karine Sudan
  • Audio: Bruce Wuilloud, Thibauld Weiler
  • Music: Sara Oswald
  • Production: Climage Audiovisuel


  • Cinema Artis, hall 1: Tuesday, 31.01 - 21:00
  • Cinema Sõprus: Saturday, 4.02 - 17:00
  • Tartu Elektriteater: Saturday, 4.02 - 19:30